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Home Spain: MUDÉJAR ART. Islamic Aesthetics in Christian Art.

Spain: MUDÉJAR ART. Islamic Aesthetics in Christian Art.

Aragón   Castilla y León   Castilla La Mancha & Extremadura






Tour length: 6 days / 5 nights

Recommended periods:
October 2009, May 2010

From € 900 per person (sharing double room), depending on size of group.
  Tour length: 7 days / 6 nights

Recommended periods: September–October 2009, May 2010

Price: From € 1140 per person (sharing double room), depending on size of group.

  Tour length: 6 days / 5 nights

Recommended periods: September–October 2009, May 2010

Price: From € 834 per person (sharing double room), depending on size of group.


Aragón - The Reconquista marked the beginning of a new phase for art and architecture in the Iberian Peninsula: Muslim craftsmen were allowed to stay and continue their work for the newly established Christian rulers. From the confluence of Christian and Islamic artistic traditions, the new Mudéjar art emerged, as an enclave between Islamic and Christian art. On this tour visitors will discover the magnificent fruits of this confluence in the Spanish region of Aragon. Zaragoza, the centre where Mudéjar art developed as a result of royal patronage, is the royal city where kings of Aragon were crowned, but other cities also reveal the masterpieces of Mudéjar art in this region: Daroca and Teruel, with their brick-built churches and towers richly embellished with tiled ornamentation, still show traditional Islamic ceramic production, while the unique figurative decoration is a graphic testimony to the everyday life of the different social classes in the Middle Ages.
Castilla y León - In the region of Castilla y León a particular style emerged from the confluence of Islamic techniques with Romanesque and Gothic art. Mudéjar art in Castilla y León was deeply influenced by the artistic models that developed in Toledo, a city whose monuments are the product of exchanges between three cultures, Muslim, Jewish and Christian. The result of this influence was magnificent religious and military architecture and art, whose most important characteristics are the use of brick to build walls, castles and churches, the merging of structural and artistic elements and the mastery of craftsmen in creating wooden ceilings for churches and monasteries where Islamic ornamentation and Christian themes are clearly combined.
Castilla La Mancha & Extremadura - The regions of Castilla–La Mancha and Extremadura feature important examples of Mudéjar art, from Toledo, the centre of the Mudéjars, whose models influenced the art and architecture of the neighbouring regions, to the monuments of Extremadura, revealing religious and civil Mudéjar art in the cities and fortified monasteries, deeply influenced by Almohad art, by Gothic art and by the Military Orders that governed the border between Christian and Muslim reigns during the 13th century. From the Monastery of Guadalupe and Granja de Mirabel to the cities of Llerena and Zafra can be discovered the typical Mudéjar traces of Extremadura, based on strong and sober structures, which conceal beautiful cloisters, gardens and ornamentation.




The Exhibition Trail on which this tour is based was curated by Gonzalo M. Borrás Gualís, Pedro Lavado Paradinas, Rafael López Guzmán, María Pilar Mogollón Cano-Cortés, Alfredo Morales Martínez and María Teresa Pérez Higuera. Tour organised by Viajes Mundo Amigo, Madrid [ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Mr Mikel GONZALEZ]